Nas pristup! Strasno nam stalo do posla koji radimo. Krajnjem rezultatu naseg rada pridajemo ogroman znacaj. Iskreno, stvarno nas nije briga za nagrade. Iskreno, vise nam se svidja da vi volite nas stil i nacin prenosenja price. Do danasnjeg dana, jos uvijek smo prijatelji sa nasom prvom nevjestom. Niko nece biti sa vama vise na vjencanju, od nas. Buduci da cemo biti na svakom koraku puta, radije bismo da nas volite. Toliko nevjerovatnih stvari se desava na vencanju. Obracamo paznju na svaki detalj. Radimo naporno cak i nakon zavrsetka vjencanja kako bismo osigurali da ce vas film biti jedna od najnevjerovatnijih stvari, koje cete ikada moci ponovo dozivjeti. Uvijek trazimo da se stvari dogadjaju autenticno na vjencanju. Nismo fanovi poziranja. Hvala vam svima koji ste nas izabrali da budemo dio vasih zivota.
Our approach! We passionately care about the work we do. We place a tremendous importance for the end result of our work. Honestly, we really don't care about awards. We'd honestly rather you truly love our style and story telling ability. Till this day, we are still friends with our very first bride. Nobody is going to be with you longer on your wedding day than us. Since we'll be there at every step of the way, we'd rather you really like us. So many amazing things happen on your wedding day. We pay close attention to every detail. We work hard even after the wedding is over to insure that your wedding photographs and film will be one of the most amazing things you will ever be able to relive time and time again. We're always looking for things to happen authentically on your wedding day. We are not fan of posing. Thank you to all whom have chosen us to be apart of their lives

“From the first contact with Nikola, we have understood that it will be a start of a beautiful cooperation. Such a dedicated, inspiring and interesting individual, who is not bothered to help the future bride out even if you need information on things that have to do nothing with his job (recommending you the best band, location, timeline, etc.). Thanks to Nikola our day was pure magic which he succeeded to capture in a most unique manner.
What we both liked about Nikola and his team is that nobody noticed we had a video crew at the wedding, while they were actively working to capture every moment of “the emotional avalanche” that the day was for both of us. Watching the video we have revived our wedding day over and over again with our friends and family. Our video is done with such a dedication, interest, and a careful “pick & choose” of the most memorable, beautiful moments to cherish for the rest of our lives.
With his approachable nature we did not feel as “just clients” but as we have known each other for a long time. Having the noticeable love for his job it was not a problem for him to combine all of the excitement, love and energy we have shared during our wedding day in 90 minutes of unique “joy to watch”. Every shot of our wedding video can be framed as a separate image thanks to Nikola’s unique blend of skills, talent and devotion to structure his wedding stories while making sure the energy, love, and bliss shared during the day does not pass unnoticed – be it a speech by your best friend, a hug your brother and mother give you after the ceremony, a tear your grandma shares during your wedding, the warm look of your father when he is taking you down the aisle, a strong hand squeeze by your friend assuring you that it will be all right. Everything that matters is simply there, that we could not ask for more.
Thank you for everything you have done for us and for giving us the chance to keep our story with us till the rest of our lives. Sir, it was a real honour to get to know you.
“You made from our complex love puzzle a simple artwork. It was a pure pleasure of laugh and joy. Only at the end when we saw our video we realized that you were filming all the time and that Leonardo had right saying that simplicity is ultimate sophistication. Thank you. ”
“Mi nikada vise nocas necemo spavati! Vrti se film po cetvrti put! Nikola, hvala ti za ovako divan dar, za ovu uspomenu magicnu! Divno je! Diiiiiivnooooo! Toplo, ludo, ljubavno, duhovito- MI! Moj ljubavni favorit je Ada, a i Ceremonija, a zurku si pokidao! Toliko kroz ekran probija atmosfera! Diiiiiivnooooo!!! Opet bih tamo! I plakala sam i vristala od smijeha gledajuci! Ma ... Divno.
Hvala ti.”
“Sa nestrpljenjem smo cekali svadbeni video kako bi pogledali kako je nasa svadba izgledala iz ugla drugih ljudi, a iskreno, htjeli smo jos jednom da prezivimo sve te lijepe momente. Nikola je imao nase puno povjerenje i osjecali smo da ce taj video biti nesto originalno, lijepo, emotivno – nesto nase! Ocekivali smo materijal koji cemo sa zadovoljstvom i ponosom pokazivati nasoj porodici, prijateljima, pa kasnije djeci i unucima. Da nas osjecaj ne vara, saznali smo od prvog kadra – nasu svadbu smo gledali bez treptaja cijelo vrijeme, a lava emocija nas je preplavila, gdje smo, moramo priznati, pustili po koju suzu i najezili se vise puta. Video ne samo sto izgleda profesionalno i vizuelno izuzetno lijepo, vec sto je najvaznije od svega, prikazuje eksploziju emocija! Kao da je neko sakupio sve najljepse trenutke tog dana i poklonio nam ih da ih cuvamo cijeli zivot. Upravo zbog toga smo neizmjerno zahvalni Nikoli i sa velikim zadovoljstvom ga preporucujemo svima koji zele da dobiju nesto originalno, emotivno i zapanjujuce.”
“Dragi Nikola,
Kako uopste u reci pretociti ovu srecu, ushicenje i emocije nakon gledanja filma? Toliko lepo, toliko divnih trenutaka uhvacenih u delicu sekunde, toliko osmeha, da deluje nestvarno! Gledamo i ne verujemo da smo to zaista mi, da se sve to bas tako desilo. Nema sta, uhvatio si dusu svadbe i nase ljubavi. Tog dana nisam prestajala da se smejem ali sada sam se potpuno raznezila, i placem, i smejem se, i komentarisem, i ne znam sta bih pre! Moj covek blista od srece! Malo je reci da si nas oboje kompletno odusevio! Hvala ti sto si uhvatio magiju svojim umetnickim okom. Na kraju, jako nam je drago i da smo u tebi stekli sjajnog prijatelja. Hvala na svemu!
Dear Nikola,
How on Earth do you traslate into words this amount of happiness, excitement and emotion after watching the film? It is so beautiful, there are so many wonderful moments captured by your lens in a split of a second, so many smiles – it looks unreal! We watch and we cannot believe that it is really two of us and that these moments really happened. You absolutely captured the soul of our wedding and of our love. On that day, we could not stop laughing, and now, I am competely softened, and cry and laugh, and comment on, and I watch it over and over again. My man is shining out of luck! The fact that both of us are completely thrilled does not describe enough our feelings! Thank you for catching the magic through your artistic eye. And last but not least, we are delighted that we gained a great friend in you. Thanks for everything!
Kind regards,”